Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Back to Blogging?

Alrighty...I'm attempting to get a jump-start on my New Years resolutions, one being reviving my blog and updating it more often than I did in 2011.  Sometimes it might be a full rant, other times it might be a few links with a line or two of my commentary. 

Today's will be just the latter.

From "The Innovative Educator": 10 "Do’s" and "Don’ts" for more interesting and engaging social media updates
The Mackinac Center takes a voyage on the Failboat with this attempt at comparing teacher salaries.

Doing the math: Why putting yourself through college is so much harder today...

Skilled Workers Beat Out Degree Holders for Jobs

A great analysis of the Alabama Legislature's epic fail on restricting gifts from students to teachers.


Kathy (Kathleen) Kosobud said...

Thanks for sharing the "Dos and Don'ts". We all need these reminders to de-clutter how much we share.

Happy holidays! Kathleen